Choosing the Right Product

Tell us your needs and we will point you in the right direction!
Select the best swimming headband and earplugs for your needs.
We now offer two swimming headbands:
the Original Ear Band-It® and Ear Band-It® Ultra.

What's the difference?

We now offer two styles of soft silicone earplugs:
Original Putty Buddies and Floating Putty Buddies.

What's the difference?
Simply that one floats and one does not.

ZIPZ Infant & Toddler Hearing Protection

change colors with magnetic shells!

New Customers

Are you a new customer with certain needs and want to solve a particular problem?
Is your child getting or already have ear tubes?
Ear Band-It® swimming headbands and Putty Buddies® earplugs were invented for this very reason by a Ear, Nose, Throat Physician and are recommended by doctors worldwide! First you need ear plugs to create a seal and block water. Our Putty Buddies® ear plugs are premium soft moldable silicone ear plugs that are perfect for sensitive little ear sand blocking water. The Ear Band-It® adds an extra layer of protection and helps keep earplugs in place. Most parents use both for the best results and best ear protection possible!
Ear infections and swimmer's ear are caused by water. Continuing to swim with an ear infection or swimmer's ear can be painful. You can use our products to help prevent ear infections and swimmer's ear. Use theEar Band-It® swimming headband and Putty Buddies® ear plugs to block water and continue to enjoy swimming and bathing even if you currently have an ear infection or swimmer's ear. If used properly our product WILL BLOCK WATER.
No worries, we have you covered! First you need ear plugs to create a seal and block water. Our Putty Buddies® ear plugs are premium soft moldable silicone ear plugs that are perfect for sensitive ears and blocking water. They are easy to mold and are reusable. The Ear Band-It®adds an extra layer of protection and helps keep earplugs in place.Most parents use both for the best results and best ear protection possible!
Add the Ear Band-It® Ultra swimming headband for the best ear protection on the planet. The Ear Band-It® Ultra helps keep ear plugs or expensive custom ear molds in place.
Yet another reason why the Ear Band-It® swimming headband was invented by an Ear, Nose, Throat Doctor. Our swimmer's headband WILL KEEP EARPLUGS IN PLACE. The Ear Band-It® covers the ear while providing protection and keeps ear plugs stationary. You should also try our PuttyBuddies® ear plugs. They are much more tacky than any other earplugs on the market and they stay in place really well.
2 words. Putty Buddies®. Simply the most comfortable and soft silicone ear plugs on the market. Putty Buddies® are much more tacky than any other earplugs on the market and they stay in place really well. They are available in many bright or neutral colors that appeal to all ages. Many custom ear mold patients have admitted to throwing their expensive ear molds in the trash after trying our Putty Buddies®. They are that good.
No, no, no! The Ear Band-It® is offered in three sizes that cover all ages (size large for ages 10-adult). The Putty Buddies® are one-size-fits-all so they work great for all ages. Simply use as much material as needed to cover the ear canal.
The Original Ear Band-It® headband was the first swimming headband ever invented. It has been protecting ears for 30 years and continues to be effective today. If you want to save $1-$2 (depending on item you get) purchase the Original Ear Band-It® over the new Ear Band-It® Ultra. If you want the best possible ear protection, most comfortable headband, or a wide array of colors/patterns, go with the Ear Band-It® Ultra. It is much more soft and comfortable. The inner lining features a textured grip which helps to avoid slipping down the forehead. It is also more durable and provides more coverage. The Ear Band-It® Ultra is the most advanced swimming headband ever made. Most customer choose it.
The Original Putty Buddies® and Floating Putty Buddies® both act and feel the same way. The only difference is literally that one floats and one does not. You cannot go wrong with either choice. A lot of customers get the Floating Putty Buddies® when they don't want to risk losing their earplugs.